Monday, September 30, 2019

Introduction to Computer Theory

CHAPTER 1 BACKGROUND The twentieth century has been filled with the most incredible shocks and surprises: the theory of relativity, Communist revolutions, psychoanalysis, nuclear war, television, moon walks, genetic engineering, and so on. As astounding as any of these is the advent of the computer and its development from a mere calculating device into what seems like a â€Å"thinking machine. † The birth of the computer was not wholly independent of the other events of this century.The history of the computer is a fascinating story; however, it is not the subject of this course. We are concerned with the Theory of Computers, which means that we form several abstract mathematical models that will describe with varying degrees of accuracy parts of computers and types of computers and similar machines. Our models will not be used to discuss the practical engineering details of the hardware of computers, but the more abstract questions of the frontiers of capability of these mec hanical devices.There are separate courses that deal with circuits and switching theory (computer logic) and with instruction sets and register arrangements (computer ar-chitecture) and with data structures and algorithms and operating systems and compiler design and artificial intelligence and so forth. All of these courses have a theoretical component, but they differ from our study in two basic ways. First, they deal only with computers that already exist; our models, on 3 4 AUTOMATA THEORY the other hand, will encompass all computers that do exist, will exist, and that can ever be dreamed of.Second, they are interested in how best to do things; we shall not be interested in optimality at all, but rather we shall be concerned with the question of possibility-what can and what cannot be done. We shall look at this from the perspective of what language structures the machines we describe can and cannot accept as input, and what possible meaning their output may have. This descripti on of our intent is extremely general and perhaps a little misleading, but the mathematically precise definition of our study can be understood only by those who already know the concepts introduced in this course.This is often a characteristic of scholarship—after years of study one can just begin to define the subject. We are now embarking on a typical example of such a journey. In our last chapter (Chapter 31) we shall finally be able to define a computer. The history of Computer Theory is also interesting. It was formed by fortunate coincidences, involving several seemingly unrelated branches of intellectual endeavor. A small series of contemporaneous discoveries, by very dissimilar people, separately motivated, flowed together to become our subject.Until we have established more of a foundation, we can only describe in general terms the different schools of thought that have melded into this field. The most obvious component of Computer Theory is the theory of mathematic al logic. As the twentieth century started, mathematics was facing a dilemma. Georg Cantor (1845-1918) had recently invented the Theory of Sets (unions, intersections, inclusion, cardinality, etc. ). But at the same time he had discovered some very uncomfortable paradoxes-he created things that looked like contradictions in what seemed to be rigorously proven mathematical theorems.Some of his unusual findings could be tolerated (such as that infinity comes in different sizes), but some could not (such as that some set is bigger than the universal set). This left a cloud over mathematics that needed to be resolved. David Hilbert (1862-1943) wanted all of mathematics put on the same sound footing as Euclidean Geometry, which is characterized by precise definitions, explicit axioms, and rigorous proofs. The format of a Euclidean proof is precisely specified. Every line is either an axiom, a previously proven theorem, or follows from the lines above it by one of a few simple rules of in ference.The mathematics that developed in the centuries since Euclid did not follow this standard of precision. Hilbert believed that if mathematics X'ere put back on the Euclidean standard the Cantor paradoxes would go away. He was actually concerned with two ambitious projects: first, to demonstrate that the new system was free of paradoxes; second, to find methods that would guarantee to enable humans to construct proofs of all the true statements in mathematics. Hilbert wanted something formulaic-a precise routine for producing results, like the directions in a cookbook.First draw all these lines, then write all these equations, then solve for all these points, and so on and so on and the proof is done-some approach that is certain and sure-fire without any reliance BACKGROUND 5 on unpredictable and undependable brilliant mathematical insight. We simply follow the rules and the answer must come. This type of complete, guaranteed, easy-to-follow set of instructions is called an a lgorithm. He hoped that algorithms or procedures could be developed to solve whole classes of mathematical problems.The collection of techniques called linear algebra provides just such an algorithm for solving all systems of linear equations. Hilbert wanted to develop algorithms for solving other mathematical problems, perhaps even an algorithm that could solve all mathematical problems of any kind in some finite number of steps. Before starting to look for such an algorithm, an exact notion of what is and what is not a mathematical statement had to be developed. After that, there was the problem of defining exactly what can and what cannot be a step in an algorithm.The words we have used: â€Å"procedure,† â€Å"formula,† â€Å"cookbook method,† â€Å"complete instructions,† are not part of mathematics and are no more meaningful than the word â€Å"algorithm† itself. Mathematical logicians, while trying to follow the suggestions of Hilbert and st raighten out the predicament left by Cantor, found that they were able to prove mathematically that some of the desired algorithms cannot exist-not only at this time, but they can never exist in the future, either. Their main I result was even more fantastic than that.Kurt Godel (1906-1978) not only showed that there was no algorithm that could guarantee to provide proofs for all the true statements in mathematics, but he proved that not all the true statements even have a proof to be found. G6del's Incompleteness Theorem implies that in a specific mathematical system either there are some true statements without any possible proof or else there are some false statements that can be â€Å"proven. † This earth-shaking result made the mess in the philosophy of mathematics even worse, but very exciting.If not every true statement has a proof, can we at least fulfill Hilbert's program by finding a proof-generating algorithm to provide proofs whenever they do exist? Logicians bega n to ask the question: Of what fundamental parts are all algorithms composed? The first general definition of an algorithm was proposed by Alonzo Church. Using his definition he and Stephen Cole Kleene and, independently, Emil Post were able to prove that there were problems that no algorithm could solve. While also solving this problem independently, Alan Mathison Turing (1912-1954) developed the concept of a theoretical â€Å"universal-algorithm machine. Studying what was possible and what was not possible for such a machine to do, he discovered that some tasks that we might have expected this abstract omnipotent machine to be able to perform are impossible, even for it. Turing's model for a universal-algorithm machine is directly connected to the invention of the computer. In fact, for completely different reasons (wartime code-breaking) Turing himself had an important part in the construction of the first computer, which he based on his work in abstract logic.On a wildly differ ent front, two researchers in neurophysiology, Warren 6 AUTOMATA THEORY Sturgis McCulloch and Walter Pitts (1923-1969), constructed a mathematical model for the way in which sensory receptor organs in animals behave. The model they constructed for a â€Å"neural net† was a theoretical machine of the same nature as the one Turing invented, but with certain limitations. Mathematical models of real and abstract machines took on more and more importance.Along with mathematical models for biological processes, models were introduced to study psychological, economic, and social situations. Again, entirely independent of these considerations, the invention of the vacuum tube and the subsequent developments in electronics enabled engineers to build fully automatic electronic calculators. These developments fulfilled the age-old dream of Blaise Pascal (1623-1662), Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz (1646-1716), and Charles Babbage (1792-1871), all of whom built mechanical calculating devic es as powerful as their respective technologies would allow.In the 1940s, gifted engineers began building the first generation of computers: the computer Colossus at Bletchley, England (Turing's decoder), the ABC machine built by John Atanosoff in Iowa, the Harvard Mark I built by Howard Aiken, and ENIAC built by John Presper Eckert, Jr. and John William Mauchly (1907-1980) at the University of Pennsylvania. Shortly after the invention of the vacuum tube, the incredible mathematician John von Neumann (1903-1957) developed the idea of a stored-program computer.The idea of storing the program inside the computer and allowing the computer to operate on (and modify) the program as well as the data was a tremendous advance. It may have been conceived decades earlier by Babbage and his co-worker Ada Augusta, Countess of Lovelace (1815-1853), but their technology was not adequate to explore this possibility. The ramifications of this idea, as pursued by von Neumann and Turing were quite pr ofound. The early calculators could perform only one predetermined set of tasks at a time.To make changes in their procedures, the calculators had to be physically rebuilt either by rewiring, resetting, or reconnecting various parts. Von Neumann permanently wired certain operations into the machine and then designed a central control section that, after reading input data, could select which operation to perform based on a program or algorithm encoded in the input and stored in the computer along with the raw data to be processed. In this way, the inputs determined which operations were to be performed on themselves.Interestingly, current technology has progressed to the point where the ability to manufacture dedicated chips cheaply and easily has made the prospect of rebuilding a computer for each program feasible again. However, by the last chapters of this book we will appreciate the significance of the difference between these two approaches. Von Neumann's goal was to convert th e electronic calculator into a reallife model of one of the logicians' ideal universal-algorithm machines, such as those Turing had described.Thus we have an unusual situation where the advanced theoretical work on the potential of the machine preceded the demonstration that the machine could really exist. The people who first discussed BACKGROUND 7 these machines only dreamed they might ever be built. Many were very surprised to find them actually working in their own lifetimes. Along with the concept of programming a computer came the question: What is the â€Å"best† language in which to write programs?Many languages were invented, owing their distinction to the differences in the specific machines they were to be used on and to the differences in the types of problems for which they were designed. However, as more languages emerged, it became clear that they had many elements in common. They seemed to share the same possibilities and limitations. This observation was at f irst only intuitive, although Turing had already worked on much the same problem but from a different angle. At the time that a general theory of computer languages was being developed, another surprise occurred.Modem linguists, some influenced by the prevalent trends in mathematical logic and some by the emerging theories of developmental psychology, had been investigating a very similar subject: What is language in general? How could primitive humans have developed language? How do people understand it? How do they learn it as children? What ideas can be expressed, and in what ways? How do people construct sentences from the ideas in their minds? Noam Chomsky created the subject of mathematical models for the description of languages to answer these questions.His theory grew to the point where it began to shed light on the study of computer languages. The languages humans invented to communicate with one another and the languages necessary for humans to communicate with machines s hared many basic properties. Although we do not know exactly how humans understand language, we do know how machines digest what they are told. Thus, the formulations of mathematical logic became useful to linguistics, a previously nonmathematical subject. Metaphorically, we could say that the computer then took on linguistic abilities.It became a word processor, a translator, and an interpreter of simple grammar, as well as a compiler of computer languages. The software invented to interpret programming languages was applied to human languages as well. One point that will be made clear in our studies is why computer languages are easy for a computer to understand whereas human languages are very difficult. Because of the many influences on its development the subject of this book goes by various names. It includes three major fundamental areas: the Theory of Automata, the Theory of Formal Languages, and the Theory of Turing Machines.This book is divided into three parts correspondi ng to these topics. Our subject is sometimes called Computation Theory rather than Computer Theory, since the items that are central to it are the types of tasks (algorithms or programs) that can be performed, not the mechanical nature of the physical computer itself. However, the name â€Å"computation† is also misleading, since it popularly connotes arithmetical operations that are only a fraction of what computers can do. The term â€Å"computation† is inaccurate when describing word AUTOMATA THEORY processing, sorting and searching and awkward in discussions of program verification. Just as the term â€Å"Number Theory† is not limited to a description of calligraphic displays of number systems but focuses on the question of which equations can be solved in integers, and the term â€Å"Graph Theory† does not include bar graphs, pie charts, and histograms, so too â€Å"Computer Theory† need not be limited to a description of physical machines but can focus on the question of which tasks are possible for which machines.We shall study different types of theoretical machines that are mathematical models for actual physical processes. By considering the possible inputs on which these machines can work, we can analyze their various strengths and weaknesses. We then arrive at what we may believe to be the most powerful machine possible. When we do, we shall be surprised to find tasks that even it cannot perform. This will be-our ultimate result, that no matter what machine we build, there will always be questions that are simple to state that it cannot answer.Along the way, we shall begin to understand the concept of computability, which is the foundation of further research in this field. This is our goal. Computer Theory extends further to such topics as complexity and verification, but these are beyond our intended scope. Even for the topics we do cover-Automata, Languages, Turing Machines-much more is known than we present he re. As intriguing and engaging as the field has proven so far, with any luck the most fascinating theorems are yet to be discovered.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Concentration Camps

Concentration camps were constructed for mass killings. Digging deeper into the methods of murder they used, there's more to it than gas chambers, starvation, and overwork. The medical experiments were a major factor in the massive death toll in the concentration camps. Today doctors strive to keep people healthy and alive. For Nazi doctors Joseph Mengele, Karl Clauberg, and Sigmund Rascherat, the ones responsible for countless deaths, that was not their number one priority. Nazi doctors in the concentration camps conducted inhumane experiments such as examining twins, sterilization of men and women, and the freezing of people. When prisoners arrived at the camps, they probably expected the worst. For the twins however, life in the camps wasn't as bad as it could've been. Twins were allowed to keep their hair and sometimes their clothes (, 4). Being a twin gave them a better chance of surviving (Lifton, 351). Even though the experiments were cruel and barbarous, they offered an escape from the harsh camp (Lifton, 354). Twins lived in special buildings, such as the medical blocks. Unlike normal prisoners, twins were able to move freely throughout camp. Within the blocks, the father of a set of twins would be assigned block chief (Lifton, 348). Young female twins were lucky in a way since their mother was allowed to stay with them. The reasoning behind this is, Joseph Mengele, the mad man behind these experiments, wanted them in stable mental and physical condition (Lifton, 349). No matter how healthy they were, nothing could prepare the twins for what was to come. The Nazi's thought that twins were the key to discovering a way to quickly increase the German race. Doctors hoped to uncover the secret to multiple births (, 3). In order to conduct experiments, Mengele needed twins. He exploited easy access to twins at Auschwitz and was a fanatical figure in the selection (Lifton, 348). In 1944, 250 individual twins arrived in Birkenau (Lifton, 349). The selection process began with Mengele shouting, â€Å"Zwillinge heraus!†, which means twins in German. Once rounded up, they were each given a number sequence on their arm (Lifton, 348). Identical twins were the ones Mengele wished for the most, as they were his most treasured research objects (Lifton, 349). Although the experiments sound like Nazi's tourtering prisoners without any medical knowledge, there was a method to the madness. Mengele's method was based off of scientific training, Nazi ideology, and the peculiarities at Auschwitz's setting (Lifton, 347). When twins were examined, they were examined together and naked (Lifton, 349-350). Measurements of every part of their body were taken (Remember,org, 4). Each session, ten cubic centimeters of blood were drawn and during the first examinations the family history of the twins was taken (Lifton, 350). Today we can look at an actual experiment performed on a set of identical Hungarian twins. Selection began in 1943 when three sets of twins arrived at Auschwitz. Dr. Mengele saw the Hungarian set and took them (, 4). They were 18 year old men and described as very handsome and athletic. Examination began right away with their heads, which took several days. Next photographs were taken to show hair growth. The most dangerous thing done to them while they were alive was being ventilated with gas. They coughed so severely, restraints were needed to hold them down. After the gas, they were placed into hot water up until the point of passing out and then all their hair was removed; more photographs were taken. The Hungarian twins were killed the same way as every other set that made it to the end of the experiments. A syringe of chloroform was injected into their hearts. Mengele was very careful to make sure the twins died at the exact same time. Once no longer alive, they were dissected and their organs were sent to the Institute of Biological Racial and Evolutionary Research Berlin (Remember. Org, 4). Dissection of the corpses was the last part of Mengele's twin research (Lifton, 350). These experiments were drastic. Of the 1,000 pairs experimented on, only 200 pairs survived (, 3). Sadly, this was not the end of cruel Nazi medical experiments; sterilization of prisoners was also very important to the Germans. Sterilization: surgery to make a person unable to produce offspring. The main goal of sterilization was to discover a rapid, inexpensive, and unobtrusive method to wipe out Russians, Poles, Jews, and other races (Berenbaum, 347). Nazis hoped to sterilize millions with minimum time and effort (, 5). Even though a method already existed, surgical sterilization, doctors thought it was too slow and expensive. These experiments occurred in camps such as Auschwitz and Ravensbruck (Berenbaum, 247). There were mainly two doctors known for sterilization, Gebhardt and Clauberg. Gebhardt worked at Ravensbruck by the surgical method. The method Clauberg used was by an injection. Dr. Karl Clauberg conducted it on a large scale (Berenbaum, 348). He was the main man for sterilization (Lifton, 271). Although the doctors knew how they wanted to sterilize, a formula had to be developed. Since Dr. Clauberg was the head of these experiments, he developed his own formula, but he was very secretive about the substances he used. Researchers today assume he used formalin and novocain (Lifton, 271-272). Formalin is a clear watery solution of methanol used as a preservative. Novocain, also known as procaine, is a local anesthetic drug used as a sodium channel blocker. This impairs the conduction of sodium ions. This injection was done in three stages over a few months. Unfortunately, Clauberg used over 300 women over the course of his work (Lifton, 272). Not just women had to face the horrors of Dr. Clauberg, thousands of male Jews and Gypsies were sterilized at Auschwitz by injection. Later on, doctors discovered a brand new method, x rays. This way was effective, but castration would result. There were also dangers to other parts of the body if not covered by lead (Berenbaum, 348). Even though the Nazi doctor's main goal was to sterilize, other issues occured. Thousands who were sterilized suffered excruciating mental and physical pain (, 5). Fever also overtook many victims. Some prisoners were very resistant but many feared what would happen if they were. Prisoners who resisted were sent to the gas chamber at Birkenau (Lifton, 272). Knowing each day what would be done to them by Clauberg caused them to be overcome with fear and anxiety (Lifton, 273). Of course sterilization was extremely painful and killed many people, but the freezing experiments were the most painful experiments the Nazi's conducted. A problem Germany had during World War II was when their pilots in planes had to eject into the ocean, they would die from hypothermia. Nazi's number one goal was to discover a way to treat frozen German pilots (, 2). These experiments were designed to simulate conditions on the eastern front and were conducted for the Nazi high command. Some camps had the perfect weather conditions; Birkenau, Dachau, and Auschwitz (, 2). Two methods used were an icy vat of water and using the sub-zero temperatures outside. Each experiment was divided into two parts. The first part, Sigmund established how long it took for body temperature to lower to death. During the second part he tried to find the best way to revive the frozen person. Through tests, Sigmund figured the icy vat method was the quickest way to drop body temperature (, 2). Before the prisoners were placed in the icy vat, they were either given an aviator suit or wore nothing at all. They were each in the vat for up to five hours at a time. Once their body temperature fell to 79.7 degrees fahrenheit, Sigmund would throw hot sleeping bags or use scalding baths to rewarm them ( The second method was conducted outdoors. Dr. Sigmund strapped prisoners to a stretcher and placed them outside. Auschwitz was one of the most ideal places for experiments outside because of the extreme winters. Eventually after suffering in the cold for hours, most victims lost consciousness and died once their body temperature dropped (, 2). Throughout the whole experiment, Dr. Sigmund was constantly measuring the changes in heart rate, body temperature, and muscles flexes (, 2). Although not many survived, there is a documented experiment done on two men. These men were both from Russia and once at the camp they were both sent to the icy vat. A long time after being submerged in the vat, neither of the men were losing consciousness. Realizing not much was happening, Dr. Sigmund lowered the temperature. Shortly after this, both of them passed away. Everyone apart of this experiment were shocked at how long they lasted (, 2). All in all, 80 to 100 people died due to these freezing experiments conducted in icy vats or in sub-zero temperatures ( doctors were ruthless and would've done anything for the name of science. No matter how many people they killed, they were determined to get rid of the Jews, Gypsies, and other races. Even examining masses of twins, attempting to sterilize millions of men and women, and pushing the human body to as cold as it could go. These medical experiments caused hundreds of deaths and gives the title doctor a dark background.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Benefits of Community involvement in Construction Literature review

Benefits of Community involvement in Construction - Literature review Example Findings from past studies on community participation have sometimes been applied in a wide range of service sections and types of settlement. It is, therefore, important obtain clarity in such findings. The following sections will look into an overview of community involvement and the findings from previous studies in relation to the effects of community involvement on construction projects and similar developments. Community Participation: An Overview A community’s conceptualization differs between projects, sectors, and regions (Memon, 2004). Typically, a community can be classified in terms of their administrative, social, and resource attributes. For example, legal communities refer to those that have been recognized by the local government, distinguishing a chain of command and arranging laws and codes in terms of political structures. The community members themselves are referred to as the social communities that signify the differentiation between the population based on social, cultural, and economic norms, such as farmers, traders, or local administrators. Finally, geographical communities can be defined by their planning terms as well as natural features and resources, recognizing communal interests (Kumar, 2005). Types of participation with which community members are actively involved in a particular activity can be classified into a number of forms. Passive participation refers to the type of involvement where in individuals who live within the project area participate by being told of future plans or current developments; other than this, they will not have any other contribution. Participation for material incentive is a type of involvement wherein individuals participate because they are paid by food or cash in exchange for their labor in a pre-determined project (Joshi and Moore, 2004). These individuals can also participate by offering a resource, including money or labor, to the set project, thus participation by resource contribution . Next, participation with consultation involves community members being consulted with their ideas and options regarding the decisions that have to be made for the project. Consequently, their views may either be accepted or rejected. People who are involved in interactive participation join external professionals to analyze the given situation; they also help develop action plans and decide for common projects. Finally, spontaneous mobilization enables community members to take their own initiatives that are not influenced by external professionals in order to contribute to the situation. As a result, self-help projects and requests for assistance to other relevant institutions may be carried out. Much of the empirical evidence with regards to the outcomes of projects in which community members are involved in have been based on the research on rural water projects (Prokopy, 2005) as well as from other public service sectors with which participation has been conceptualized as a ty pe of co-production. With this, citizens contribute their input to services which are typically and exclusively generated by public agencies. Support for community involvement has been evident in different sectors and one perceived reason for such is that social change, including the development of new habits and skills, or realizations of the service’

Friday, September 27, 2019

The Ruritanian Project Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

The Ruritanian Project - Coursework Example The country is currently politically stable. Governments have been democratically elected for the last twenty years. There are two major political parties in Ruritania. The country is about to go for polling in next couple of months. Recent opinion polls suggest that the present Government currently enjoys a 7% lead over the other major party and this view has remained reasonably stable. So if the incumbent government stays in power, it will continue the reform works. The other major party is also committed to democratic principles and a market based economy. They intend to increase both corporate and personal taxation to provide additional funding for their proposed social expenditure (Case Study). The currency of the country was deregulated nearly twelve years ago. Though there was initially a sharp depreciation of the currency, the currency has gained stability against major international currencies during the past three or four years. There has been a speculation that the government will peg the currency with a major currency as a first step for joining the euro. Ruritania is currently negotiating for membership of the European Union and hopes to join in about 2014 (Case Study). In this case, our company wishes to set up a manufacturing in the country in order to utilize the low cost labor and access the local market. We are going to discuss various long term and short term financial issues and underlying theories that are likely to influence the investment decision (Case Study). Foreign Direct Investment as a Strategic Decision of the Firm FDI refers to the reassignment of the capital, managerial and technical assets of a firm from the dwelling country to the host country. It is a type of international finance which consists of lending and portfolio investments. It is unlike lending because it demands ownership. Also it is different from portfolio investment since it entails control of financed actions over administration. There is no united theory associated to FDI. Basically, three levels of analysis have been differentiated by theories based on conventional trade and location theories, theories based largely on industrial organization economics, and theo ries are based on the theory of the firm and center on the competitive advantage of the firm. Customary international trade theories have been enlarged to FDI with regard to the international movement of factors of production. Examples incorporate such extensions of the international trade theory, as factor endowment theory that includes factor mobility (Helpman, 1984, pp. 451-471) and specific factor models (Markusen & Venables, 1998, pp. 183-204), which both are delegates of the new trade theory. They are valid in the context of FDI, as they let imperfect competition and product differentiation. Also traditional location theory stresses on the least-cost location of production as the best location of the firm. Macro-economic investment theories include Dunning's developmental model of international investment. The theory relates the determinants of outward and inward investments to the developmental stage of the state. According to the model, outward investment beats the inward in vestment as the country grows. The ongoing shift from negative to positive on net investment depends on a country's factor endowments, politico-economic system and its interdependencies with the world economy (Dunning 1993). Vernon pioneered the product life cycle theory in the mid-1960s, but expanded it later to a clearly oligopolistic understanding. The theory elucidates the geographical course of locating the manufacturing units in the four broad stages of development. In the first phase, new products are launched by a firm griping technological headship in

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Recognizing and Managing Asymptomatic Left Ventricular Dysfunction Research Paper

Recognizing and Managing Asymptomatic Left Ventricular Dysfunction after Myocardial Infarction - Research Paper Example I agree with this thesis particularly because the absence of symptoms or signs of LVSD in myocardial infarctions makes a timely diagnosis of the condition to be significantly crucial for the survival of the affected patients. Epidemiological data on the etiology of Asymptomatic left ventricular Dysfunction in Europe and America suggests that nearly 60% of patients develop the condition after suffering from myocardial infarction. According to Gheorghiade  and Bonow (1998), â€Å"myocardial infarctions survivors usually have an increased risk of LVSD.† Consequently proper and early disease management models should be established to ensure cases of the disease are detected and managed effectively. Similarly, a number of critical pathways can now be effectively used to improve detection and detection of asymptomatic LVSD. On the other hand, one-half of LVSD patients are asymptomatic. In this regard, the early detection and management of the condition in post-myocardial patients can significantly help nurses to reduce mortality in the asymptomatic cases. Some of the evidence-based practices and techniques employed in the early diagnosis of the disease include radionuclide imaging, echocardiography, and ventriculography (Goldberg  and Jessup, 2006). All these strategies are important in the intervention of the dysfunction and the improvement of the quality of life in the affected patients. A number of evidence-based practices can be employed in the assessment of LVSD in patients who have suffered from myocardial infarction. One of the effective multidisciplinary approaches is carrying out an assessment of the disease in myocardial infarction survivors (Timmins and Kaliszer, 2001). Additionally educating such patients on their conditions can help doctors and clinicians to detect and prevent some the risk factors that may increase progression to heart failure.

Long day's journey into night Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Long day's journey into night - Research Paper Example O’Neill brings out the role of men and women in the society at that time and the difference between the father and his sons. The issue of gender and especially feminism is focused in the play through the life of Mary, who also happens to be the structural center of the play. A deeper analysis reveals that Eugene portrays Mary in a manner that she has many troubles and has many weaknesses evidenced by the use of morphine. She is being seen as irresponsible mother who cannot quite the addition. In addition, it is evident at times when James and Jamie talk alone and on the arrival of Mary, they shut up. The evidence concerning the fact that they are to be the only persons is from the fact that she is the one who can handle issues since they believe as seen in the statement, â€Å"Ive always believed Jamie did it on purpose. He was jealous of the baby. He hated him.† (2.2.103) (Eugen and Neill 103). James showed man character when he told Mary to forget the past. This is demonstrated by how strong he is and could forget the past. In addition, James Tyrone characters confirm feminism through his appearance and personality. It is evident that the story evolves around him as the head of the family but later we see the role of the woman becomes necessary when it comes to reliance and love. On the other hand, O’Neill uses Mary to show the â€Å"struggles that women go through in their daily lives† (Porter 80). Mary is described as a beautiful woman who takes up her role as a mother despite the addiction and other challenges that she has to overcome. For that reason, Mary started using morphine and got addicted to it after she had difficulty and was not treated well at the birth of her youngest son Edmond. Mary is also depicted as a tragic woman who is different from what she used to be in the past. She was innocent, beautiful and used to have dreams of becoming a Catholic nun a pianist. She also had strong religious faith in God.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Engineering Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Engineering - Essay Example The design goals included; employment of a set of special green concrete mixes that set forth at most seventy percent cement substituting materials while meeting the recommendable requirements. At the same time, the concrete’s delaying set-time is not compromised. It was thus necessary for the associated carbon emissions from the concrete per cubic yard to be reduced, a requirement the concrete supplier had to fulfill. The building’s uniqueness is also drawn from the test to which the mix designs for the concrete were put at commencement of the construction. Concrete, estimated at five thousand cubic yards was utilized in placing the mat foundation, employing a mix in which seventy percent is cement substituted material with the recommended strength being eight thousand psi. These specifications were the same requirements adopted for the columns of the building as well as shear walls. The experts came up with a unique mix design for elevated slabs in order to meet certain light reflectance capacity. It is imperative to note that, also uniqueness is achieved by the reduced height of the concrete floor-to-floor which allowed for the addition of an extra floor to the initial set twelve floors. The sun blocking beams were as well eliminated by the structure. The latter designs culminated in half of carbon dioxide reductions. In conclusion, it is noteworthy to say that adoption of the flexible reinforcing concrete design for the structure achieved cost, environmental and structural advantages. The cost was tremendously cut down and the carbon footprint significantly reduced making the structure a high-performance green solutions

Monday, September 23, 2019

Conference&event management Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Conference&event management - Assignment Example Moreover, expertise in the field of event management and adequate understanding of the purpose for the event to be conducted is also quite necessary for its successful completion (Tassiopoulos & Damster, 2005). Based on these notions of event management, this paper will intend to provide an overview of the event organised for the students who have completed their first year in the college. The discussion will further intend to analyse the strengths and weaknesses of the event and the strategic process adopted for its completion which in turn would assist to develop a few recommendations for the betterment of such initiatives. The event which has been titled as the â€Å"Big Day Out† emphasises on a full day recreational program for the first year students in the college. As the foremost concern of the event is to provide the students with recreational tour, the event will be organised in a renowned park located in UK, the Thorpe Park. Notably, the program will continue for the entire day with the view to entertain the students and also to give them an opportunity to socialise with the other students as well as with the tourists and the employees in the park. This will not only facilitate the confidence level of the students but also assist them to enhance their communication skills by a large extent. Concerning the four W’s of the event, i.e. ‘Why’, ‘Who’, ‘When’ and ‘Where’, it must be noted that the event has been organised to provide the students with an opportunity to refresh their minds and to enjoy with friends and socialise with other community members. The event will be hosted by a group of five people, namely, Kyaw Sein, Katherine Delgado, Matab Ahmed and Katherine Bur Bur Burrachi with their leader as Moiz Khan making use of their innovative ideas and creativity along with their inspiration thought. With the mission to ensure exceptional results and the vision of creating a long-lasting memory amid the

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Organisation and management issues of Alcan Essay

Organisation and management issues of Alcan - Essay Example s mentioned earlier, aluminium is a long term, and also a capital-intensive business, and as far as Lynemouth is concerned, it had begun its operations in the year 1972, and one of the major costs of operation was the power that it had to use for the process of smelting, twenty fours hours a day, all year round. In the year 1990, the plant had about 780 employees, the majority of whom were male, and who had been with the plant since its inception. Work organization was traditional, and the work turnover was low. (Newell; Scarbrough, 2002) There was in addition, a perception that the organization desired to impose changes, by using parts of already existing agreements, instead of involving the Unions. While the employees also reported that the management was not alt all communicative with them, the Union had to take up the cause, and it was requested that the management cooperate with trade unions to establish a better relationship with the employees, because the productivity of the plant was declining as a result of dissatisfaction. Gradually, there was overcapacity with the opening of new plants, and the price of aluminium started to fall, and employment also started to decline from 56,000 to 46,000. In 1991, one of the two pot lines of the plant had to be closed down, and there was a redundancy of fifty percent of the entire workforce. With only one line of operation, Lynemouth was faced with great difficulties, and the management found that they would have to somehow raise efficiency levels immediately, so that pro duction would be improved. Soon team working was brought in, with the cooperation of the trade unions, and in 1994, direct supervision was abolished, and in its place, team leaders were appointed to supervise operations, but the problem was that he could... There are certain specific issues in the Alcan Case that can be analyzed, like change, teamwork, and the managerial structure of the organization. Today, Alcan is entirely different in several aspects, from the Alcan of a mere four years ago. The company has grown operating earnings of 18% annual compound rate and has also managed to invest $8.8 billion for developing and to maintaining the growth of the organization, mainly through acquisitions and taking advantage of internal opportunities, like for example, the expansion of the Alouette Center in Quebec. These were some of the numerous strategic investments that Alcan had embarked on in the recent past, and it is because of this that Alcan has been able to effectively strengthen its global presence, and also maintain its stability and sustainability. Today, it can be stated that the main strengths of the company lie in the unique combination of its strong and committed workforce, and also because of its strong network of operation s. (Innovative aluminium and packaging Solutions Worldwide.In addition, its excellent customer base, in combination with the management’s decision to embark on and to maintain a sustainable and an innovative strategic alliance with its numerous customer and suppliers, making the organization one of the most dynamic and multilingual and multicultural organizations in the global world of today, with more than 70,000 employees in about fifty-five countries all over the world.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Enlightened Nationalism Essay Example for Free

Enlightened Nationalism Essay Such were the words of Alexis de Tocqueville in his mocking evaluation of Prussia’s Civil Code (Allgemeines Landrecht). As its rudimentary principles, the code according to him is basically those of the French Revolution but its real stipulations conserved the German ethnicity. This ongoing pressure involving new and old in Prussia is the subject of Matthew Levinger’s profound study on the efforts of Prussian leaders as they try to invigorate the nation between their defeat by the French in 1806 and the Revolution of 1848. While the rest of Western Europe (or the world for that matter) is developing in quite the same way, Prussia, the largest German estate of the 1st half of the 19th century, chose to embark on a special path of historical development or what is called as Sonderweg. It is because of this that most historians argue that the Germans lagged behind in modernizing their political institutions especially in that decisive historical moment in history. In Matthew Levinger’s book, he challenges the readers to rethink that general perception regarding Prussia’s history. His studies show that a profound and irre ¬versible political transformation (enlightenment) occurred in Prussia beginning in the Napoleonic era—right after the humiliating rout of the famed Prussian army by Napoleon’s forces (Levinger, p. 227). In the brink of annihilation, a group of Prussian leaders decided to mobilize the populace by uniting a rationalized monarchy and a politically active â€Å"nation†. They saw this mobilization as something that would make the monarchial estate stronger. Truly enough it enhanced the power of the monarchy, but it inhibited the formation of an effervescent parliamentary system of rule. In Levinger’s urge to understand why Germany chose a disastrous turn by embracing National Socialism between 1933 and 1945 ignited his interest in history and thereby writing this book. Like most works regarding German history, this book also has its roots in exile, but Levinger approaches the problem quite indirectly as he has only viewed the effects of exile remotely. Parts I and II of the book discusses about the concept of â€Å"nation† and part III shows how this concept came to play. Many questions and answers will arise from reading it. For one, the book does not only present answers to the question about what kind of country Prussia was but shows us the current state of living for most Germans during that time as well. The book gives us a reason to believe that even though this so-called â€Å"enlightened nationalism† was but a strand in Prussian political culture, it greatly influenced Prussian political evolution. It also provides an exciting insight about the controversial question whether there was a distinctive German path modernization. Another main query that will be answered here is to what extent were the political resistances in Prussia during this era were shaped by ideological influences as opposed to material forces? And even though, the analysis in this book is only about Prussia, it can also give us a great deal of information in understanding the ensuing 19th c. Germany and how nationalism in the rest of the world evolved. Moreover, it tells us about the products of â€Å"enlightened nationalism†Ã¢â‚¬â€a mixed legacy of positive outcomes and ill-effects. In contrast to the French Revolution, the Prussian reform movement did not want to abolish the old government in order to create a new one for their ultimate goal which we can call Pax Germania. They only tried to reconstruct on hand organizations by trying to instill radical and democratic principles into their framework. They tried to unite rationalized monarchy (from above, and for the people) and a politically active people (from below and for the king and fatherland). The enlightened nationalism brought about a legacy of political and public transformation in many aspects, most notably in education and administration. This key reinterpretation of Prussian history from the Napoleonic era to the Revolution of 1848 shows how modifications enthused by the enlightenment eventually forged an authoritarian political culture and a nation that later came to dominate Germany. The books well-documented insights do not only help us understand about Prussia but it also sheds new light on the birth of German nationalism—thus awaking a sleeping giant†¦only to fall from grace.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Causes And Effects Of Domestic Violence Social Work Essay

Causes And Effects Of Domestic Violence Social Work Essay Abstract Domestic violence is a relationship between intimate partners in which one individual seeks to assert power and control over the other. The abuser may use many different types of abuse to assert this power. It involves physical, psychological, economic and sexual abuse as well as attempts to manipulate the victim through the use of his or her children. The abuser may also seek to isolate the victim from other people who may provide assistance. A number of studies have looked into identifying individuals who are most at risk for domestic violence. The most common feature is an imbalance of power and control. However, neither those who experience domestic violence nor the partners who abuse them fall into distinct categories. They can be of any age, ethnicity, income level, or level of education. The causes of domestic violence will depend on the abuser back ground such as: Witnessed abuse as a child, Was a victim of abuse as a child, abused former partners, and may be because of Unemp loyed or underemployed, Poverty or poor living situations. In addition, the effects of domestic violence depend upon the type it could be physical, psychological, sexual and economic. Causes and effects of Domestic Violence Domestic Violence is a type of abuse .It involves injuring someone; usually a spouse or partner but it can also be a child or other family member. The abuser doesnt play fear .Abuser use fear, guilt, shame and he wants to keep the victim under his or her thumb. The abuser may use many different types of abuse to assert this power, and the overall framework in which the abuse occurs may follow a pattern called the cycle of violence. Cycle of violence: Violent events may occur in a variety of patterns-the victim may experience ongoing, nonstop abuse, or the abuse may stop and start. One pattern of abuse often seen in a violent relationship begins with a tension-building phase, followed by the actual abusive act, and then calm, making-up phase often called the honeymoon phase. The tension-building phase includes increasing anger on the part of the abuser coupled with attempts by the person being abused to avoid violence. On the other hand, the victim may also attempt to bring on the vio lence to get it over with. The episode of acute abuse may include various forms of abuse and may occur for an indefinite amount of time.The honeymoon phase that follows the abuse often includes both excuses for the abusive episode and expressions of love for the injured party. The abuser may deny the violence or blame his or her actions on their own drunkenness or the behavior or drunkenness of the victim. The abuser may promise that the abuse will never happen again. Domestic abuse often escalates from threats and verbal abuse to violence. And while physical injury may be the most obvious danger, the emotional and psychological consequences of domestic abuse are also severe. It will lead to undermine the victims self-worth or self-esteem, or controls the victims freedom. Domestic abuse can lead to anxiety and depression, and make abuser to feel helpless and alone. It occurs in traditional heterosexual marriages, as well as in same-sex partnerships. The abuse may occur during a relationship, while the couple is breaking up, or after the relationship has ended. In 2001, domestic violence was causal in 20% of nonfatal violence directed against women and in 3% directed toward men. A 2002 study reports that 29% of women and 22% of men report having experienced physical, sexual, or psychological intimate partner violence during their lifetime. Nearly 5.3 million incidents of domestic violence occur annually among US women aged 18 years and older, with 3.2 million occurring among men. Of these incidents, most are relatively minor, such as pushing, grabbing, shoving, slapping, and hitting. Serious consequences certainly do, however, result. Every year approximately 1.5 million intimate partner rapes and physical assaults are perpetrated against women, and approximately 800,000 are committed against men (Burnett, 2009) This paper describes the causes and effects of domestic violence. To begin with a number of studies have looked into identifying individuals who are most at risk for domestic violence. The most common feature is an imbalance of power and control. However, neither those who experience domestic violence nor the partners who abuse them fall into distinct categories. They can be of any age, ethnicity, income level, or level of education. The following are examples of situations that are common among people who experience domestic violence. It is important to understand that anyone can be abused. Individuals at risk may who is Planning to leave or has recently left an abusive relationship, Previously in an abusive relationship, Poverty or poor living situations, Unemployed, Physical or mental disability, Recently separated or divorced , Isolated socially from family and friends, Abused as a child, Witnessed domestic violence as a child, Younger than 30 years and Stalked by a partner. Alth ough the abusers also share some common characteristics, it is important to note that abusers choose violence to get what they want in a relationship. Risk factors may point to an increased likelihood of violence in a relationship, but the person is not destined to become violent because of the presence of certain risk factors. Nor is the violence justifiable because it happened while the abuser was in a blind rage that he or she was powerless to control. The following factors may indicate an increased likelihood that a person may choose violence. Abuser risk factors: Abuses alcohol or drugs, the use and abuse of alcohol are strongly associated with a higher probability that the drinker will be involved in violence as victim, perpetrator, or both. Illicit use of drugs by household members increases a womans risk of death at the hands of a spouse, lover, or close relative by a 28-fold factor. Concomitant use of alcohol and illicit drugs is associated with a 16-times greater risk for suicide, a risk substantially higher than that observed for the use of either individual substance. In a small study (n = 46) examining the relationship between selected socioeconomic risk factors and injury from domestic violence, alcohol abuse by the male partner, as reported by the female partner, was the strongest predictor for acute injury. Approximately half of the victims stated that their male partners were intoxicated at the time of the assault. Whether male partner intoxication is a direct causal factor, an indirect factor, or a factor that modifies the effect of a causal factor has not been determined. On the day of the assault, 86% of assailants reportedly used alcohol, with 67% using the combination of alcohol and cocaine. The active metabolite of such a drug combination, coca ethylene, is more intoxicating, longer lived, and possibly more potent in its ability to kindle violent behavior than are the parent drugs. Abuse as a child, was a victim of abuse as a child, abused former partners and unemployed or underemployed. Furthermore, the effects of domestic violence depend upon the type of domestic violence. It could be physical ,emotional, sexual and economic .First, in physical abuse the abuser will use Witnessed physical force against the victim in a way to injures or endangers his or her or causes feeling of pain. Physical abuse includes hitting, slapping, punching, choking, pushing, and other types of contact that result in physical injury to the victim. Physical abuse can also include behaviors such as denying the victim of medical care when needed, depriving the victim of sleep or other functions necessary to live. Second, emotional abuse is defined as any behavior that threatens, intimidates, undermines the victims self-worth or self-esteem, or controls the victims freedom. This can include threatening the victim with injury or harm, telling the victim that they will be killed if they ever leave the relationship, and public humiliation. Constant criticism, name-calling, and making statements that damage the victims self-esteem are also common forms of emotional abuse. Often perpetrators will use children to engage in emotional abuse by teaching them to harshly criticize the victim as well. Emotional abuse includes conflicting actions or statements which are designed to confuse and create insecurity in the victim. These behaviors also lead the victim to question themselves, causing them to believe that they are making up the abuse or that the abuse is their fault. Emotional abuse includes forceful efforts to isolate the victim, keeping them from contacting friends or family. This is intended to eliminate those who might try to help the victim leave the relationship and to create a lack of resources for them to rely on if they were to leave. Isolation results in damaging the victims sense of internal strength, leaving them feeling helpless and unable to escape from the situation. People who are being emotionally abused often feel as if they do not own themselves; rather, they may feel that their significant other has nearly total control over them. Women or men undergoing emotional abuse often suffer from depression, which puts them at increased risk for suicide, eating disorders, and drug and alcohol abuse (Hopkins, 1999) reported that abused women are at higher risk of miscarriages, stillbirths, and infant deaths and more likely to give birth to low birth weight children. Third, in Sexual abuse is any situation in which force is used to obtain participation in unwanted sexual activity. Forced sex, even by a spouse or intimate partner with whom consensual sex has occurred, is an act of aggression and violence. sexual abuse includes Use of physical force to compel a person to engage in a sexual act against his or her will, whether or not the act is completed; Attempted or completed sex act involving a person who is unable to understand the nature or condition of the act, unable to decline participation, or unable to Communicate unwillingness to enga ge in the sexual act. Finally, Economic abuse is when the abuser has control over the victims money and other economic resources. In its extreme (and usual) form, this involves putting the victim on a strict allowance, withholding money at will and forcing the victim to beg for the money until the abuser gives them some money. It is common for the victim to receive less money as the abuse continues. To conclude, domestic violence is a pattern of abusive behaviors by one or both partners in an intimate relationship such as marriage, dating, family, friends or cohabitation. Domestic violence has many forms including physical aggression (hitting, kicking, biting, shoving, and restraining, slapping, throwing objects); it can also be sexual or emotional. The main causes of domestic violence will depend on the abuser back ground such as: Witnessed abuse as a child, Was a victim of abuse as a child, abused former partners, and may be because of Unemployed or underemployed, Poverty or poor living situations.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Scarlet Letter :: essays research papers

In the Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne, Pearl serves as the “apple of Eden';. She is plucked from the hands of God in heaven and sent to the mortal world as a baby “to make out its [the scarlet letter’s] hidden import'; (155), causing Prynne and Dimmesdale to face their consequences. Pearl functions in the story on three levels: as a real child, as a continuing symbol of Prynne and Dimmesdale’s adultery, and as an allegorical figure sent to torment the sinners and direct their actions. Only Dimmesdale can “ripen'; her into the woman she needs to become. Otherwise she will continually serve as a representation of their mistake. Pearl is the rose bush that is located outside of the prison door. Although, she brings happiness to Prynne, Pearl is covered with “thorns';. When Mr. Wilson asks Pearl the question of who made her, Pearl responds “that she had not been made at all, but had been plucked by her mother off the bush of wild roses, that grew by the prison-door'; (95). She is a good child, an “infant…worthy to have been brought forth in Eden; worthy to have been left there, to be the plaything of the angels'; (75), but she is a “born outcast of the infantile world…an imp of evil, emblem and product of sin'; (79). Her physical features did not show she is different: she has perfect arms and legs and has a native grace with innocent beauty. She is magnificent when she is displayed in her exquisite robes as her natural beauty shown through such that there was a circle of radiance around her. However, emotionally something is wrong with Pearl. If other children gather aroun d her, she would feel the dislike from the other children, and would snatch up stones to throw at them, while screaming. In the “garden'; of the Puritan society, Pearl is the rose bush, while “the ugliest weeds of the garden were their [Puritans’] children, whom Pearl smote down and uprooted, most unmercifully'; (80). Prynne, the adulterous mother, feels the guilt of bringing Pearl into the world and is reluctant to discipline the child, because Pearl is Prynne’s “sole treasure, whom she had bought so dear, and who was all her world'; (78). Pearl also represents the living embodiment of the scarlet letter embroidered on Prynne’s clothing. She “was the scarlet letter in another form; the scarlet letter endowed with life!'; (86).

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

The Effect of Divorce on Children Essay examples -- Sociology Parentin

The Effect of Divorce on Children Works Cited Missing Divorce is always a traumatic experience in a person's life, especially a child's. When parents divorce, children are not always considered during the settlement. This omission can lead to problems with the child's perception of daily life. The impact divorce has on a family is more prominent to the children of the family than the parents. As a child, there are many situations that affect a view, memory, opinion, or attitude. Children have many of their own daily struggles to cope with, such as peer pressure. Adults sometimes forget what it is like to be a child dealing with some of the childhood pressures. Many parents do not realize how something like divorce could possibly affect their children as much as it does themselves. As the case may be, children are strongly affected by divorce. Some react differently than others, but all experience some kind of emotional change. Parents who are going through a divorce sometimes try to shield their children from the situation. But regardless of their parents good intentions, children often find themselves in an emotional catastrophe. Instead of protection from the situation, children need support and reassurance during this hard time. Parents feel like it is their job to protect their children from the same kinds of anguish and stress that they feel during the divorce. But ignoring this only leads to more unwanted stress. Parents should help their children better understand what changes will be taking place in the future, such as new places to live, new ways of communicating with their parents, and new schedules of daily life. There are many factors that affect a child's reaction to divorce. Their rea... ...ince fathers usually make more money and have more economic resources, if they were to get remarried, children in the new family would be better off because getting remarried usually results in higher incomes. It may not be possible to make every marriage a happy one or to always avoid divorce. Some spouses even have no choice when their mates leave them. But it's time to change all of this and lead these children to better adult lives. These children are the future and without them functioning correctly, the generations to come may also be affected in great ways. With a little more encouragement from our society, many of the same parents who would literally run in front of a speeding car to save their child from death might consider working harder at creating a better marriage to help our future generations (Betsy Hart: Time to Change the 'Divorce Debate').

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Officer Class in Journeys End by RC Sheriff :: Journeys End Literature War Military Essays

Officer Class in Journey’s End During the World War many people found themselves in mid filled trenches eating rations and living with a host of creatures including rats, mice and many insects. There was however a group of people who did not sleep so rough, the officers, no matter what rank of officer you were you would sleep in a quarters with other officers and not with the men and you would have your own personal cook. Although the living conditions were not up to standards with even a one star hotel, they were easier to bear than what the soldiers had to. In this essay I will be talking about what you learn about the officers in the book â€Å"Journey’s End†. I will be discussing their hobbies and values. The officers shared the same kind of upbringing; all came from private schools and were highly educated. Raleigh and Stanhope both came from the same school and were friends outside school, often visiting one and others homes. Osborne and Trotter have been working in different jobs for a while before being drafted whereas Stanhope and Raleigh came straight from school into the officer’s life. Not much is known about trotter as he is not talked about much in the story but it is my assumption that he was also from a private school. Osborne and Trotter were both drafted as officers because of their professions; they are both regarded highly in society. Stanhope and Raleigh however were drafted as officers because of the professions of family members, Stanhope’s father is a vicar and Raleigh’s uncle is a senior officer, meaning he is most likely from a military background. In terms of age of the officers, Osborne is by far the most aged of the officers being called uncle says this quite clearly that they are mocking his age in a friendly manner. Though Osborne is older Stanhope is senior to him, many comments are made that Osborne should run the company but Osborne sticks up for the young commander. Although Stanhope is superior he values the opinion of his lower officers. It is clear from the conversations that they all enjoy sport, especially â€Å"Ruggers† or rugby as more commonly known. It shows that they are all abundant in physical strength and it shows that Stanhope has good leadership skills as he captained the cricket team in school. Osborne however trumps him by telling Raleigh how he capped for the England rugby team, but he swore Raleigh to secrecy so he may be lying about that. The officers are all fighting so that they can get back to their

Recommendation Essay

Contoh Essay untuk Mengipas Orang Mara Supaya bagi Scholarship   Born in a small family of six and leads a simple life has really taught me, Firdaus Bin Ismail how significant it is to be a knowledgeable person in order to survive in this competitive world. On 20th  of April 1995 at Hospital Sultanah Fatimah, I was born. My respected father, Ismail bin Jaafar is a police officer and my beloved mother, Nor Rafidah binti Mahfudz is a . Being the eldest of three siblings, I have always been taught to be independent and to love both my younger brother and sister equally.Living in a small and discrete town of Simpang Renggam, Kluang, Johor for about 10 years, I adore the simple life in a small town. I received my formal primary education at SK Sri Petaling, Petaling Jaya from 2000 until 2001 before moving to SK Dato Onn Jaafar since 2002 until I sat for my UPSR in 2005. My UPSR result was excellent which was 5A’s. As for to the superb achievement, I was offered to continue my s tudies at SM Sains Johor, Kluang-a cluster school. In 2006, I started my secondary school life in this prestigious institution.In 2008, I sat for my PMR and successfully maintained my perfect achievement by getting 8A’s. Then, I was placed in a good Science-stream class in Form 4 and Form 5. My trial examination result was also flamboyant in which I obtained 5A+’s, 3A’s and 2A-‘s. And for my SPM, praise to Allah, I got a sparkling results of 6A+’s and 4A’s. Now, it is proven that my academic performances are consistent and always tip-top. At school, I was among hundreds of bright students from all edges of Malaysia. This need hard work and big forbearances to stay in front.However, despite all the hardships I needed to face, I managed to shine as the school’s promising gem in all aspects. In addition for the splendid academic performance, I did well in extra-curricular affairs. In the field of sports and games, I was my sport houseâ₠¬â„¢s gold medal prospect in long-distance runs like 400m, 800m, 1500m and cross country. I contributed a new school record in long-distance run and grabbed bronze medal in the MSSD championship. In the uniform bodies, I was the active member of the Fire Brigade and Rescuer Cadet.My highest achievement in this field was when the school’s team managed to won the first runner-up in the Johor Fire Brigade and Rescuer Cadet Foot Drill Competition 2008. However, my achievements in clubs and societies were far better. I participated in the International Star Gazing and Space Camp 2010, Malaysia and Indonesia Regional Pedagogy Course 2010, became the only Johore’s representative in the Pidato Piala Diraja Competition 2009 and 1Malaysia Pidato Competition 2010. I was also an outstanding Bahasa Malaysia debater and represented SM Sains Johor in various debate tournaments at national level.Other than that, I participated in the SBP Kebangsaan Career Carnival and The Star-RHB Sta te Level Mighty Minds Challenge 2010. Besides, I also participated in many leadership programs such as the SBP Kebangsaan House Captain Leadership Course 2010. My role as a leader should not be underestimated. I was chosen as the Head Prefect in my primary school. In SM Sains Johor, I cultivated my leadership skills when I became the school prefect since Form 2 and later on as the Secretariat of the Board of Prefect.I also became the President of Suria House, President of the Bahasa Melayu Debating Club, Vice President of the Computer Club, the Secretary of Bahasa Melayu Society, the Secretary of Pembimbing Rakan Sebaya (PRS), the committee member of Badan Dakwah and Rohani and also as the Prefect Dorm Leader at the boys’ hostel. Elsewhere, I hold the position of AJK Fire Drill in Fire Brigade and Rescuer Cadet, the Secretary of the Chess Club and an active member of the Athletic Club.I was selected to hold these positions due to my high self-confidence, the ability to speak out my ideas in front of the people without fears and my skills in persuading others. Proven, although I was extremely busy in many aspects throughout the year, I was still capable of managing my schedule systematically and coped with stress excellently until I gained huge success all around. HIGHER EDUCATION PLAN As I grow up, I am greatly influenced with medical fields due to many reasons. So, I become interested to be a doctor and anything related to medical fields.In 2009, my friends and I conducted a research about cardiology-related diseases at the famous National Heart Institute (IJN). After we had a long talk with one of the Malay cardiothoracic experts there, my determination was set up. â€Å"I will become Malaysia’s most well-known Malay cardiothoracic expert like him one day! †   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Why do I set my heart to study medic so much? One of the reasons is because I love to learn Biology and Life Science very much. I am v ery interested to learn about living things, human bodies, the organs, the bones structure, the hormonal activities and also the body mechanisms.It makes me feel closer to the mighty Creator instead of just stunned by the miracles of our bodies. As for me, being a doctor is not only about giving exact treatments to the patients. It comprises the duties to educate people about the importance of maintaining good health and the significances of being free from any diseases. It is also a doctor’s responsibility to ensure that the societies realize about the dangers and risks of various diseases and illnesses thus providing helps to prevent those illnesses.My greatest weakness is that I may easily sympathize when I look at those unlucky people who suffer chronic diseases no matter children, adolescents, or even the elders. I will feel a sudden yearn to help them in any ways so that they can enjoy their precious life as I am enjoying mine. As a caring and loving member of this big society, no one will care if I need to sacrifice my time ,24 hours a day, 7 days a week when I can save the lives of the ill-fated patients? Being a doctor is such a noble job. The earning is profitable too. But yet, the thing I seek the most by being a doctor is the pleasure to treat sick people.I wish and set a high hope that one day I will be able to enter the University of Auckland, New Zealand. The Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences in that university is a large and dynamic faculty. It is rated in the top 1% biomedical universities in the world. This university is established as one of the best universities in this globe. The proof is that the University of Auckland was ranked 47th  among the world’s best Clinical, Pre-clinical and Health universities according to the Times Higher Education World University Ranking for the year 2010 and 2011 plus recognition for being the best university in New Zealand.The Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences aims to improve the health and wellbeing of the local, national and global communities through excellence in teaching, research and service. Over the past three years they have opened the award winning AMRF Medical Sciences Learning Centre, seen significant enhancement of their Advanced Clinical Skills Centre at Mercy Ascot Hospital, and commissioned a suite of new teaching rooms and a large integrated teaching facility. In 2009, the faculty opened the Centre for Brain Research, one of the largest neuroscience research facilities in the Southern Hemisphere.FUTURE CAREER PROSPECT. To show how deep my interest is in this field, I have even sketched and imagined myself 15 years ahead. In the first 6 to 7 years hopefully starting from next year, I will undergo foundations in medical course before continuing my degree in medic. After that, I will receive my first class degree in medic, the MB ChB, which is awarded to medical graduates in New Zealand’s universities. MB ChB stands for Bachelor of Medic ine and Bachelor of Surgery.As a fresh potential graduate, I will serve my country either with the government or any private medical centre in order to complete my fellowship and housemanship training. Then, I will do my Masters in medic, but this time I will specialized in cardiology to pursue my dream of being a cardiologist for another 2 or 3 years. Upon completion, I will become an expert doctor in cardiology or maybe cardiothoracic and serve at the National Heart Institute (IJN). I promised myself to be loyal to my beloved home country and to serve my people no matter how difficult it will be.I am here ready to be recruited as the first Malay and Muslim doctor to become a respected cardiology expert not only in my country but also worldwide. Therefore, I would like to respond to the need of 1 doctor for 500 citizens by 2020 as stated by the government via Health Informatics Centre Planning and Development Division, Ministry of Health Malaysia. As the population grows and techno logies evolve, the demand for medical expert will always there. By then, Dr. Mohamad Haiqal Hazwan bin Madzian, will be there to ease the burden.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Conflict in the Niger Delta Essay

The conflict happening in the Niger Delta stated in 1990. The tensions involve foreign oil corporation and members of some Niger Delta’s minority ethnic groups, particularly the Ogoni and the Ijaw. The instability continued from the 1990s until recently even though there are major changes in the government structure. The area surrounding the Delta is now heavily militarized by the Nigerian army and police forces, and numerous armed groups belonging to the ethnic groups (Barrett). According to the Center for International Development and Conflict Management (â€Å"Minorities at Risk. A Country Case Study†) violence and high crime rate is a common scenario in the Delta because of the stiff contest for oil. Government atrocities with civilian as victims are also recorded in the area. One of the most conflicted areas in the Delta is Oganiland. Located in the southeast of the Niger Delta, Oganiland is a region comprising 404-squale-mile of the area. Shell and Chevron set up their exploration and drilling facilities in the area upon the discovery of oil deposits in 1957. The rich oil deposit in Oganiland is considered as Nigeria’s first petroleum deposit for commercial purposes. During the exploration of the two largest foreign oil companies, government authorities and agents forced residents of the area to leave. This government-initiated forced evacuation on the area affected almost half a million ethnic minorities belonging to the group Ogonis and other ethnic groups (Agbu). They also attest that the government and the foreign oil companies did not conduct any consultation with them and offer any damages. Despite the strong opposition from the affected minorities, the federal government supported the atrocities by amending the Constitution that the government has the full ownership on all lands within Nigeria and compensation will be based on the crops and products located in the land during the taking and not the actual value of the land. These further allow the taking of foreign oil corporations on almost all of the lands in Oganiland with the help of the government (â€Å"Minorities at Risk. A Country Case Study. †). In the 1980s, the situation of Oganiland and the Oganis deteriorated economically, socially, politically and environmentally. Dissatisfaction and discontent among the people in Oganiland steadily mounts that in 1992 they formed the Movement for the Survival of the Ogoni People (MOSOP). It became the main organization campaigning for various issues of the Oganis, primarily ethnic and environmental rights. MOSOP became the main opposition of the Nigerian government and foreign oil companies in Oganiland (Agbu). The conflict between MOSOP and oil companies escalated that it resulted to violence disrupting some of the oil companies’ major activities in the area. MOSOP required $10 billion as royalties since the companies started and for the degradation of the environment in Oganiland (Olusakin). However, according to Agbu (2004) the oil companies, Shell, Chevron and the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation, with the help of government authorities answered the MOSOP’s demand through violence also. Mass actions and protests started to occur in a daily basis in Oganiland that resulted the banning of public assembly by the government. It also pronounced as acts of treason any disturbances of oil production and related activities in the area. Militarization and repression rose in 1994 where in four village chiefs were murdered. The head of MOSOP, Ken Saro-Wira was detained because of the killings. Hundreds were also arbitrarily arrested and detained because of the killings. By June of the same year, there were almost 30 villages totally ruined, almost 2,000 deaths and leaving nearly 100,000 Oganis as internal refugees (Human Rights Watch). In 1994 Saro-Wira with other eight Ogani activist were arrested and sentenced to death. They are executed though hanging by the Nigerian government. The deaths of Saro-Wira and his companions enraged the people of Oganiland that resulted to more disruptive and violent actions against the oil companies. The militancy of the Oganis inspired other ethic groups to start their own struggle against the government and the foreign oil companies (Olusakin). The Ijaws organized the Ijaw National Congress and Ijaw youth organized the Ijaw Youth Congress. These two groups raise the political consciousness and militancy of the Ijaw people. They started to lay down their demands against the irresponsive central Nigerian government and to the foreign oil companies. They are asserting that these companies should have direct and concrete plans to uplift the lives of the people in the Niger Delta (Obi). Recently, armed and more militant groups like Niger Delta Peoples Vanguard (NDPV), Movement for the Emancipation of the Niger Delta (MEND), Niger Delta People’s Volunteer Force (NDPVF) and the Nigerian Delta Vigilante (NDV) were organized. Although these groups were formed because of the continuous environmental degradation, government neglect and social and political unrest in the area, they are now in conflict on varying ideologies and forms of actions (Obi). Most of them aim to gain control of the area’s rich oil resources. NDPVF and NDV are in conflict with each other. Violence between the groups rose resulting to disruptive activities in Port Harcourt, the Delta’s oil capital. Supporters of NDPVF transferred to NDV escalating more the conflict between the two groups (Agbu). After the local and national elections of 2003, NDPVF announced their all-out war against the government (Olusakin). However, MEND is closely affiliated with NDV. They reached their international reputation when they hijacked oil tankers crossing through the country and nearby countries. They arbitrarily detained workers in the tankers for months and demanding for ransom for their release. Last year, they attacked various oil installations and facilities of oil company Shell that resulted to oil price increase. They also attacked a facility of Chevron, forcing the company to halt operations in the region for that year (Obi). In 2005, the central government called the National Political reform Conference. Representatives of the Niger Delta raised various concerns on the development of the region. Numerous non-government and human rights organization have also called the attention of the central government to introduce reform in the region. There are proposals to divide the region into two, Eastern Niger Delta and Western Niger Delta, to make developmental projects easier to implement (Taylor). The ventral government should also convert new states in the region with at least one city in every state. Taylor (2007) said that federal offices and ministries should also set-up their branches in the region to make government services more accessible to ethnic minorities in the region. The government is also urged to enact legislations compelling oil companies to implement developmental projects in their host communities and strictly follow environmental laws. International civil society groups have also suggested that the central government implement policies to have more transparency in the revenues and fiscal matters on the oil industries. The Washington-based Human Rights Watch (2002) also strongly recommends that state security forces should be investigated and persecuted on their abuses on the civilians in the region (p. 5). The conflict in the region is already decade-old and seems will never end. The Nigerian government should seriously implement reforms and developmental projects in the region to alleviate poverty among its people. The more delay on these developments needed, the more people will be agitated to join the armed resistance fueled by inequality among the oil company and the ethnic minorities of the Niger Delta. Works Cited: Agbu, Osita. (2004). Ethnic Militias and the Threat to Democracy in Post-Transition Nigeria. Uppsala: Nordic African Institue. Barrett, Ejiroghene. â€Å"Why the Troubles in the Niger Delta. † New African 456 (2006): 40-45 â€Å"Minorities at Risk. A Country Case Study. † 2 April 2009. Center fro International Development and Conflict Management. . Olusakin, Ayoka Mopelala. â€Å"Peace in the Niger Delta: Economic Development and the Politics of Dependence on Oil. † International Journal on World Peace 23 (2006): 3 Obi, Cyril (1997). Globalization and Local Resistance: The Case of the Ogoni versus Shell. Ibadan: University of Ibadan. Obi, Cyril (2001). The Changing Forms of Identity Politics in Nigeria under Economic Adjustment: The Case of the Oil Minorities Movement of the Niger Delta. Uppsala: Nordic African Institute. Taylor, Darren. â€Å"Niger Delta and Lack of Infrastructure: Major Issues in Nigeria Elections. † Voice of America. 22 March 2007. 2 April 2009 â€Å"The Niger Delta: No Democratic Dividend. † October 2002. Human Rights Watch. 2 April 2009. < http://www. hrw. org/legacy/reports/2002/nigeria3/nigerdelta. pdf>

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Inpatient and Outpatient Hospital Services Essay

The main difference between inpatient and outpatient services is that inpatient care is performed by an inpatient facility that is prepared for patients to be able to stay overnight if need be. This inpatient care can be provided by a hospital, skilled nursing facility, or a long term care facility. A skilled nursing facility (SNF) is designed to provide rehabilitation services and/or skilled nursing to injured patients after they no longer need to be in a hospital setting. The skilled nursed help the patient and assist with their recovery. A skilled nursing facility is operated by licensed nurses, with the assistance of a medical physician. A few examples of care given at a skilled nursing facility would include dressing changes, intravenous injections, and tube feeding. A nursing home is an example of a long-term care facility, which provides custodial care for patients who suffer from chronic disabilities or prolonged illnesses. Outpatient care, is also referred to as ambulatory care, is somewhat different from inpatient care in a hospital or skilled nursing facility setting. Outpatient care involves care that does not require and overnight stay. This kind of care is found in a family physician office, ER visit, physical, speech or occupational therapy, and home health care. Due to the different settings and types of treatment received at inpatient or outpatient facilities, there are different codes for all the different procedures. An inpatient care example would be an overnight stay and care that is a round-the-clock due to a surgical procedure received. If it was outpatient care the service or treatment would have been in the doctor’s office or facility. Outpatient care codes differ than inpatient due to their different settings and what services can be performed. Coding for inpatient and outpatient are different, diagnostic coding for inpatient care follow the rules of the Uniform Hospital Discharge Data Set (UHDDS). Inpatient coding differ from physician and outpatient coding, because the main diagnosis is generally determined after study in a hospital setting and coding an unconfirmed condition as the admitting diagnosis is permitted. Inpatient codes can be more complex than outpatient, in general there are more codes used in inpatient care than outpatient.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

About Time Essay

When introducing his book, author Adam Frank tells us that he is setting out to â€Å"unfold the grandest conception of the universe we human beings have been able to imagine and explore. At the same time embracing our most intimate and most personal experience of the world — the very frame of human life. † â€Å"This book is about time, both cosmic and human. † For those interested in the complex journey of humanity through the cosmos, Frank does not fail in his quest to unravel the unique web of ‘time’ into a thread of understandable science. That is if you can take a partially solved puzzle and write a book that connects the proverbial dots of known science and cultural anthropology with the partially understood theories of cosmology and related sciences. Mission accomplished by Frank. Upon first receiving this book, I was hopeful that Frank would present the material of thousands of years of science in a unique and interesting way; setting his writing apart from the hundreds of other astronomy books I’ve read. See more: Strategic Management Process Essay Frank, being a seasoned writer and astrophysics professor, did not disappoint. Frank takes you on a conversational journey, filled with real life examples, both personal and historical, to share his view of some of the most multifarious ideas being considered in our galaxy today. The first few chapters are a review of compound science related to our galaxy, but Frank quickly dives into a discussion of how culture has been affected by the world around it. From there Frank draws a picture from intricate ideas and theories of how society fits in the larger puzzle of cosmology. All while focusing on the measurement of time. If you are looking to take your perspective of cosmology to a new and deeper level, allow Adam Frank to steal some of your time and read his book â€Å"About Time†. Frank will surely have you viewing your society, history, and clock in a whole new perspective. Not to mention putting you on the forefront of scientific theories and cultural progress being considered in the world of cosmology.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Workplace Diversity Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Workplace Diversity - Research Paper Example Demographic change like the woman in the workplace, organizational restructuring, and equal opportunities legislation, which need organization to evaluate their management practices and expand new and creative move toward to managing people. Changes will amplify job routine and customer service. Women in the Workplace The need to understand diversity is also driven by women in the workplace. Today's workforce has higher levels of participation in employment of women ever. The number of dual income families and single working mothers has increased. Therefore, diversity issues are covering both race and gender. Organizational Restructuring Significant changes in organizations as a result of downsizing and outsourcing, which has greatly affected human resource management. Working practices have changed due to the impact of globalization and technology and there is a tendency to longer hours of work. In general terms, usually, re-organization results in less people do more work. Legislat ion Federal and state legislation on equal opportunities describes that discrimination in the workplace illegal. These laws specify the rights and responsibilities of employees and employers in the workplace and keep the two groups responsible. Benefits of Diversity in the Workplace Diversity is beneficial to both employees and employers. Although the members are interdependent in the workplace, respecting individual differences can increase productivity. The diversity in the workplace can reduce demand and increase marketing opportunities, creative recruitment, and company image. In an era when flexibility and creativity are the keys to competitiveness, diversity is essential to the success of an organization. Furthermore, the penalty (loss of time and money) ought... This essay stresses that supervisors and frontline managers could benefit from reading this document. Supervisors and managers are the target audience, as they have to recognize the ways in which the workplace is changing, evolving, and diversification. Since managing diversity remains a major organizational challenge, managers must learn the management skills needed in a multicultural work environment. Supervisors and managers must be prepared to teach themselves and others in their organizations to appreciate the multicultural differences in both partners and customers so that everyone is treated with dignity. Diversity issues are now considered important and are expected to become increasingly important in the future due to increasing differences in the U.S. population This paper makes a conclusion that a diverse workforce is a reflection of a changing world and the market. Diverse work teams bring high value to organizations. Respecting individual differences will benefit the workplace by creating a competitive advantage and increased productivity. Diversity management benefits associates by creating a fair and safe environment where everyone has access to opportunities and challenges. Management tools in a diverse workforce should be used to educate everyone about diversity and issues, including laws and regulations. Most workplaces are made up of different cultures, so that organizations must learn to adapt to succeed.

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Bridging the Gap Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Bridging the Gap - Essay Example The locks that are commonly installed in most standard automobiles are meant to increase the safety and security of the drivers but have turned against the same users on several occasions. The locks have increased the number of drivers locked inside their vehicles and thus exposing them to thugs that they were supposed to guard against. This has cost the economy over $400 million in the last two decades alone. To some extent Tenner’s argument about the perverse nature of technologies can be compared to Collins and Pinch claims that Science and Technology is very powerful and of great benefit but is still a mean helper to man. Edward Tenner observes that the unintended consequences of technology or the perverse aspect of technology may have resulted from the unknown or unpredictable nature of the world. Certain characteristics of the technological systems make it impossible to understand their functions and thus lead to unpredictability. Some of these characteristics include complexity, dynamics, intrasparence and ignorance (Tenner, 1997). Complexity is associated with the various components that constitute a real system. This also includes the interconnections among the constituents. Failure to understand the functioning of these components in a system and the interrelations between them leads to unpredictability of a system. This limits the users understanding of the entire system which ultimately leads to the system turning against the user. Another characteristic of the systems that limits the understanding of their functioning is dynamics. Technology is ever advancing and changing which implies that systems will at one time change without the control of the users. This makes it difficult to predict the actual functioning of technological devices which leads to revenge effects (Tenner, 1997). Another cause of unpredictable nature of

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Construct an incident response plan Research Paper

Construct an incident response plan - Research Paper Example The metrics are further discussed in relation to what is to be measured in the policy, how it is to be measured and the kind of action to be performed with the information. This is to ensure that the policy is workable and makes sense in relation to the fact that the impacts can be quantified. In the Information Technology, being a continuously developing field, there are risks that come with dynamic nature of the field. The exposure to such risks, if not secured, normally leads to loss of income in the sector. These risks involve hacking, using the website for adverts among others (Beale et al., 2003).In addition, the risks deserve some scrutiny so as to understand how to tackle them. The policy is supposed to ensure that the risks that lead to vulnerability are taken into consideration so that they can be mitigated or reduced to the minimal state possible. Analysis of such risks will ensure that the firm does not experience unnecessary loses that could be controlled through the use of appropriate policies and institutional framework. The unsecured risks that include hacking are the major challenges experienced in the IT sector and, therefore, tackling it will be of a much relief to the firm. This will also make the firm outstanding in terms of competition since its products will not be able to be duplicated or pirated thus a fair competition (Johnson, 2013). Addressing the unsecured risks will ensure that the IT firm gets its profit to the maximum thus eliminating issues like retrenchments and early retirement that are proposed by the firm due to low profits. The employees will also be able to work in an IT secured environment whereby their personal information and their unique work that come from their expertise cannot be leaked to the public without their consent. Their work also cannot be lost due to the deliberate introduction of computer viruses by the competitors (Easttom, 2013). The policy will ensure that the

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

U06d2 Legal Reporting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

U06d2 Legal Reporting - Essay Example There are several issues that are covered by the law and these include abuses like sexual abuse, child abuse or any form of misconduct with the elderly (Pozgar G. D., 2006). Also, any form of misconduct or irresponsibility shown in regards to communicable diseases can also be reported and filed against. To ensure the best for all within the society and also at the healthcare centers, the doctors and the healthcare centers are required to participate in reporting any form of suspected child abuse or elderly abuse (Syrett, 2008). The government is very strict in these matters and is working towards the well being of all within the society. The health care workers are also liable to report any rapes, harassment, and all birth and deaths are also expected to be kept up – to – date to ensure an accurate census. The government has allowed for the health care personnel to participate and help the society by reporting any kind of suspicious behavior, however if this right and responsibility is dishonored and misused to falsely report, then the individual can also be faced with serious consequences like civil and even criminal obligations (Pozgar, Santucci, & Pinnella, 2009). There have also been a number of processes and reporting systems that have been implemented to ensure that all healthcare organizations report the incidents and any form of any communicable disease is curbed at the starting point itself. The states also have laws to curb the possibility of any new disease to spread and to create an epidemic (Pozgar G. D., 2006). To be able to curb this, the government requires the state to report any and all irregular or unexpected similar symptoms in numerous patients. To also ensure higher safety and security of the patients and the processes being accurate in the healthcare industry th ere is a requirement to also report any errors from the health care end (Nathanson, 1995). Along with the safety of

Monday, September 9, 2019

Discuss point of view in Walkers Everyday Use . Is the narrator Essay

Discuss point of view in Walkers Everyday Use . Is the narrator reliable How does the point of view affect our assessment of the other characters in the - Essay Example The Mother appreciated her modest yard as the following quote shows, â€Å"anyone can come and sit and look up into the elm tree and wait for the breezes that never come inside the house† (Walker, 1998). Yet the Mother could also face the tragedy in her life, like when her daughter was burned. This is proven by the quote, â€Å"Sometimes I can still hear the flames and feel Maggies arms sticking to me, her hair smoking and her dress falling off her in little black papery flakes (Walker, 1998). She did not sugar coat the events in her life by making them appear better or more tragic than they were. This view of her life makes the Mother’s narrative believable. The Mother’s choice of words when describing herself and her daughters also make the narrative plausible. When describing herself, she is far from flattering by saying, â€Å"In real life I am a large, big.boned woman with rough, man.working hands† (Walker, 1998). Her daughter Maggie, who had been burned in the fire, was described as â€Å"a lame animal, perhaps a dog run over by some careless person rich enough to own a car, sidle up to someone who is ignorant enough to be kind to him† (Walker, 1998). The Mother’s other daughter, Dee, receives more of her venom. She is illustrated as pretentious, always wanting to be better than her Mother and Maggie. These descriptions are blunt, so make the story more credible. Using the descriptions of her daughters, the Mother makes the reader feel sorry for Maggie and contemptuous of Dee. When relating Maggie’s acceptance of her fate, by marrying a local boy because of her self esteem being damaged by her burns, the reader admires and pities Maggie. On the other hand, when Dee comes home with a new African name, trying to relate to her African roots, her Mother is disgusted. Dee’s real roots were there at their home with the Mother and Maggie, but her exaggerated ways make the